And those others, who heard their voices but did not see their forms,
counted them blest for not having suffered;
and because of the difference between them,* pleaded with them.
a guide on the unknown way,
and the mild sun for an honorable migration.a
they had kept your children confined,
through whom the imperishable light of the law was to be given to the world.b
Fifth Example: Death of the Egyptian Firstborn; the Israelites Are Spared
and when a single boy* had been cast forth and then saved,
As a reproof you carried off a multitude of their children
and made them perish all at once in the mighty water.c
so that, with sure knowledge of the oaths in which they put their faith, they might have courage.d
was the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of their foes.e
you glorified us whom you had summoned.f
and carried out with one mind the divine institution,*
So that your holy ones should share alike the same blessings and dangers,
once they had sung the ancestral hymns of praise.g
and the piteous wail of mourning for children was borne to them.h
even the commoner suffered the same as the king.i
had countless dead;
For the living were not even sufficient for the burial,
since at a single instant their most valued offspring had been destroyed.j
at the destruction of the firstborn they acknowledged that this people* was God’s son.k
and the night in its swift course was half spent,
leapt into the doomed land,l
And alighted, and filled every place with death,
and touched heaven, while standing upon the earth.m
and unexpected fears assailed them;
they revealed why they were dying.
lest they perish unaware of why they endured such evil.
and in the desert a plague struck the multitude;
Yet not for long did the anger last.o
bearing the weapon of his special office,
prayer and the propitiation of incense;
He withstood the wrath and put a stop to the calamity,
showing that he was your servant.
not by bodily strength, not by force of arms;
But by word he overcame the smiter,*
recalling the sworn covenants with their ancestors.p
he stood in the midst and checked the anger,
and cut off its way to the living.q
and ancestral glories were carved on the four rows of stones,
and your grandeur* was on the crown upon his head.r
for this sole trial of anger sufficed.s
* [18:2] The difference between them: God’s distinctive manner of treating the Israelites and the Egyptians according to their respective deeds. Pleaded: perhaps, for their departure.
* [18:4] The discussion of physical light climaxes with a reference to the “imperishable light” of the torah.
* [18:5] Single boy: Moses.
* [18:9] Divine institution: the Passover. Ancestral hymns of praise: possibly the Hallel psalms, the psalms sung at the end of the Passover meal; cf. Mt 26:30; Mk 14:26.
* [18:13] People: the Israelites (cf. Ex 4:22).
* [18:14–16] These verses attribute to the personified “word” the actions of the Lord mentioned in Ex 12:13–17 (note the role of the “destroyer” in Ex 12:23 and compare Wis 18:22, 25).
* [18:21] Blameless man: Aaron, acting according to his office of high priest and intercessor (cf. Nm 17:9–15; Ex 28:15–21, 31–38).
* [18:22] Smiter: the destroying angel; cf. v. 25.
* [18:24] Glories…grandeur: the name of God and the names of the tribes were inscribed on the high priest’s apparel.
b. [18:4] Wis 17:2; Ps 119:105; Is 2:3, 5.
c. [18:5] Wis 11:7, 14; Ex 1:16, 22; 2:3, 6–10; 15:10; Neh 9:11.
d. [18:6] Wis 12:21; Ex 6:8; 13:5.
f. [18:8] Wis 19:22; Ex 3:18; Is 43:3–4.
g. [18:9] Ex 12:21–28; Sir 44–50.
h. [18:10] Ex 12:30; Jer 9:17, 19.
k. [18:13] Wis 17:7; Ex 4:22–23; 12:12, 29; 13:2, 13, 15.
m. [18:16] 1 Chr 21:16; Heb 4:12; Rev 1:16.
o. [18:20] Wis 16:5; Nm 17:9–15.
p. [18:22] Wis 12:21; Ex 32:12–13; Ps 20:8.
r. [18:24] Ex 28:15–21, 31–38; Sir 45:8–12; 50:11.
s. [18:25] 1 Chr 21:15.
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