slow to anger, and governing all with mercy.a
but we will not sin, knowing that we belong to you.b
and to know your might is the root of immortality.c
nor the fruitless labor of painters,d
A form smeared with varied colors,
till he longs for the inanimate form of a dead image.
are they who make them and long for them and worship them.e
The Potter’s Clay Idols
molds for our service each single article:
He fashions out of the same clay
both the vessels that serve for clean purposes
and their opposites, all alike;
As to what shall be the use of each vessel of either class
the worker in clay is the judge.f
though he himself shortly before was made from the earth,
And is soon to go whence he was taken,
when the life that was lent him is demanded back.g
nor that his span of life is brief;
Rather, he vies with goldsmiths and silversmiths
and emulates molders of bronze,
and takes pride in fashioning counterfeits.h
more ignoble than clay his life;
and breathed into him a quickening soul,
and infused a vital spirit.j
and our span of life a holiday for gain;
“For one must,” says he, “make a profit in every way, be it even from evil.”k
when out of earthen stuff he creates fragile vessels and idols alike.
are the enemies of your people who enslaved them.l
which cannot use their eyes to see,
nor nostrils to breathe the air,
Nor ears to hear,
nor fingers on their hands for feeling;
even their feet are useless to walk with.m
one living on borrowed breath who fashioned them.
For no one is able to fashion a god like himself;
For he is better than the things he worships;
he at least lives, but never his idols.
Second Example Resumed
as regards stupidity, these are worse than the rest,*
they have escaped both the approval of God and his blessing.p
* [15:1–3] As often before (11:26; 12:2; 14:3–6), the author addresses God directly, so that chaps. 11–19 can be conceived as a more or less continuous prayer (cf. 11:7 and 19:22). This is the living God who is in stark contrast to the deadness of the idols that have been discussed. The merciful God (cf. Ex 34:6) is the source of immortality (1:15) for the community.
* [15:8–9] The author matches the irony of his words about the carpenter in 13:15–19 with this description of the potter’s vain work.
* [15:10] Ashes his heart is!: the words of this cry are taken from Is 44:20 (the Septuagint).
* [15:18–19] The author here returns (11:15; 12:23–27) to the main theme of chaps. 11–19, which was interrupted by the digression of 13:1–15:17.
* [15:18] Worse than the rest: this may mean that the creatures worshiped by the Egyptians (e.g., crocodiles, serpents, scarabs, etc.) were less intelligent than the general run of beasts.
a. [15:1] Ex 34:6–7; Ps 86:5, 15; 145:8, 9, 14.
f. [15:7] Wis 13:11; Jer 18:3–4; Rom 9:21; 2 Tm 2:20–21.
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