Solomon’s Prayer*
you who have made all things by your wordb
to rule the creatures produced by you,c
and to render judgment in integrity of heart:d
and do not reject me from among your children;e
a man weak and short-lived
and lacking in comprehension of judgment and of laws.f
if Wisdom, who comes from you, be lacking,
that one will count for nothing.g
and magistrate over your sons and daughters.h
and an altar in the city that is your dwelling place,
a copy of the holy tabernacle which you had established from of old.i
and was present when you made the world;
Who understands what is pleasing in your eyes
and what is conformable with your commands.j
and from your glorious throne dispatch her
That she may be with me and work with me,
that I may know what is pleasing to you.k
and will guide me prudently in my affairs
and safeguard me by her glory;l
and I will judge your people justly
and be worthy of my father’s throne.m
or who can conceive what the Lord intends?n
and uncertain our plans.
and the earthly tent weighs down the mind with its many concerns.o
and only with difficulty grasp what is at hand;
but things in heaven, who can search them out?p
and send your holy spirit from on high?q
and people learned what pleases you,
and were saved by Wisdom.r
* [9:1–18] The author presents his version of Solomon’s prayer (1 Kgs 3:6–9; 2 Chr 1:8–10).
* [9:1–2] The author identifies Wisdom with the word of God just as he again identifies Wisdom with the spirit of God in v. 17. All three are alternate ways of expressing God’s activity in relationship with the world and its inhabitants.
* [9:15–17] Although the expressions in v. 15 draw on the language of Plato concerning the human condition, the conclusion is very biblical: God remains a mystery (Jb 38–39; Eccl 8:17; Is 40:12–14; Rom 11:33–34). The plight of humankind is clearly one of ignorance, unless the “holy spirit” is sent from God.
* [9:18] An announcement of the next section.
b. [9:1] Gn 1; Ps 33:6; Prv 3:19; Jer 10:12; Jn 1:3, 10.
c. [9:2] Ps 8:7–9; Sir 17:3–4.
d. [9:3] 1 Kgs 3:6; 9:4–5; Ps 9:8–9.
e. [9:4] 2 Chr 1:10.
f. [9:5] 1 Kgs 3:7; Ps 116:16.
g. [9:6] Wis 3:17; 1 Kgs 11:4; 1 Cor 3:18–21.
h. [9:7] 1 Chr 28:5.
i. [9:8] Ex 25:8–9; 2 Sm 7:13; 1 Chr 28:5; 2 Chr 6:1–2; 7:7; Tb 1:4; Ps 15:1; 48:2–3.
j. [9:9] Dt 6:17–18; Prv 8:22–31; Jn 1:1–3, 10.
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