mark well the one who is before you;
if you have a ravenous appetite.
it is food that deceives.
cease to be worried about it;
For assuredly it grows wings,
like the eagle that flies toward heaven.*
and do not desire their delicacies;
“Eat and drink,” they say to you,
but their hearts are not with you;
and you will have wasted your agreeable words.
they will despise the wisdom of your words.a
nor invade the fields of the fatherless;*
he will defend their cause against you.c
and your ear to words of knowledge.
if you beat them with the rod, they will not die.d
and you will save them from Sheol.
my heart also will rejoice;
when your lips speak what is right.
but only those who always fear the LORD;*
and your hope will not be cut off.g
and guide your heart in the right way.
nor with those who glut themselves on meat.
and lazing about clothes one in rags.
do not despise your mother when she is old.
wisdom, instruction, understanding!
whoever begets a wise son will rejoice in him.h
let her who bore you exult.
and let your eyes keep to my ways,
and the foreign woman a narrow well;
and increases the number of the faithless.
Who have strife? Who have anxiety?
Who have wounds for nothing?
Who have bleary eyes?
whoever go around quaffing wine.j
when it sparkles in the cup.
It goes down smoothly,
and stings like an adder.
and your heart utters incoherent things;
sprawled at the top of the mast.
they beat me, but I did not feel it.
When can I get up,
when can I go out and get more?”*
* [23:1–9] Four admonitions for someone aspiring to be a sage: be careful about advancing your career by socializing with the great (vv. 1–3); avoid greed (vv. 4–5); do not force yourself on an unwilling host (vv. 6–8); do not waste your wisdom on those who cannot profit from it (v. 9).
* [23:2] Stick the knife in your gullet: a metaphor for self-restraint. The usual translation, “Put a knife to your throat,” is misleading, for in English it is a death threat. The exhortation is humorously exaggerated: stick the table-knife in your own gullet rather than take too much food. It assumes that the young courtier is unused to opulent banquets and will be tempted to overindulgence.
* [23:5] The frustration of covetous intent and elusiveness of wealth are portrayed by the sudden flight of an eagle. Amenemope, chap. 7, has a similar statement: “Do not set your heart on wealth. There is no ignoring Fate and Destiny; / Do not let your heart go straying.” Proverbs imagines covetous intent as a flight of the eyes, whereas Amenemope imagines it as a straying of the heart.
* [23:6–8] Some humorous advice on not trading on the courtesy of unwilling hosts who, for convention’s sake, use the language of welcome. Amenemope, chap. 11, gives similar advice: “Do not intrude on a man in his house, / Enter when you have been called; / He may say ‘Welcome’ with his mouth, / Yet deride you in his thoughts.” “Unwilling,” lit., “evil of eye,” is usually translated “stingy,” but the context suggests unwilling. In v. 8, the unwanted guest vomits up the food, thus destroying the desired good impression. Proverbs regards the uninvited banqueters as thieves who will suffer the consequences of their theft. Amenemope, chap. 11, is relevant: “Do not covet a poor man’s goods,…A poor man’s goods are a block in the throat, / It makes the gullet vomit.”
* [23:10] In Israel ownership of property and other legal rights were vested mainly in the father as head of the family; thus the widow and fatherless child were vulnerable, left prey to those who would exploit them.
* [23:13–14] The young will not die from instructional blows but from their absence, for (premature) death results from uncorrected folly. The sardonic humor means the exhortation is not to be taken literally, as an argument for corporal punishment. The next verses (vv. 15–16) are exceedingly tender toward the young.
* [23:17] Those whom one admires or associates with exercise enormous influence. Do not join the wicked, who are a doomed group. The warning is repeated in 24:1–2, 19–20.
* [23:22–23] Father and mother are associated with truth and wisdom. One should no more rid oneself of truth and wisdom than rid oneself of one’s parents, who are their source.
* [23:26–28] The exhortation is a condensed version of chap. 7 with its emotional appeal to “my son” to avoid the forbidden woman (7:1–5), her traps (7:21–23), and her intent to add the youth to her list of victims (7:24–27). As in 23:15, 19, 22, a trustful and affectionate relationship between student and teacher is the basis of teaching. The danger of the woman is expressed in imagery that has sexual overtones (cf. 22:14).
* [23:29–35] A vivid description of the evil effects, physical and psychological, of drunkenness. The emphasis is on the unwise behavior, the folly, caused by alcohol. Cf. 20:1.
* [23:35] Drunkards become insensible to bodily and moral harm. Their one desire is to indulge again.
d. [23:13] Prv 13:24; 19:18; Sir 30:1.
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