but the just, like a lion, are confident.
but with an intelligent and wise ruler there is stability.*
is a devastating rain that leaves no food.*
but those who keep instruction oppose them.
but those who seek the LORD understand everything.
than rich and crooked in one’s ways.a
but whoever joins with wastrels disgraces his father.
gathers it for the one who is kind to the poor.
even their prayer is an abomination.
will themselves fall into their own pit,
but the blameless will attain prosperity.
but the poor who are intelligent see through them.
but when the wicked prevail, people hide.*
but those who confess and forsake them obtain mercy.*
but those who harden their hearts fall into evil.
is a wicked ruler over a poor people.
Those who hate ill-gotten gain prolong their days.
let no one offer support.
but one whose ways are crooked falls into a pit.
but those who engage in idle pursuits will have plenty of want.c
but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.d
for even a morsel of bread one may do wrong.*
not knowing that want is coming toward them.*
than one who flatters with the tongue.
is a partner to a brigand.
but the one who trusts in the LORD will prosper.
but those who walk in wisdom are safe.
but those who avert their eyes, many curses.
but at their fall the just abound.h
* [28:2] The first line expresses the paradox that rebellion, far from doing away with rulers, actually multiplies them. The second line is corrupt.
* [28:3] The reference may be to tax farmers who collected taxes and took a commission. The collectors’ lack of wealth was the cause of their oppression of poor farmers. They are like a rain too violent to allow crops to grow.
* [28:4] Instruction: torah; the word is used both for the teaching of the wise and the law of Moses.
* [28:5] Understanding nothing of justice plays on the twofold sense of justice as righteousness and as punishment that comes on the wicked. On the other hand, those who seek the LORD understand everything, i.e., that the Lord punishes the wicked and rewards the righteous (themselves).
* [28:8] Interest and overcharge were strictly forbidden in the old law among Israelites because it was presumed that the borrower was in distress; cf. Ex 22:25; Lv 25:35–37; Dt 23:20; Ps 15:5; Ez 18:8. Divine providence will take the offender’s wealth; cf. Eccl 2:26.
* [28:12] People react in opposite ways to the triumph of good and evil. To the triumph of good, they react by public display, public celebration, and to the triumph of evil, by hiding.
* [28:13] Concealing the faults of another is a good thing in Proverbs (17:9), but concealing one’s own sins is not. Ps 32:1–5 expresses the anguish caused by concealing one’s sins rather than bringing them to light so they can be healed by God.
* [28:14] Fear is a different verb than in the phrase “to fear (or revere) the Lord.” In its only other biblical occurrence (Is 51:13), the verb means to dread an oppressor. The saying states a paradox: those who fear in the sense of being cautious are declared happy, whereas those who are fearless will fall into traps they did not “fear.” In short, there is good fear and bad fear.
* [28:21] Cf. 24:23. Verse 21b warns that even in a light matter one must remain impartial.
* [28:22] “Bad of eye” is the Hebrew idiom for miserly. Misers fail to see that poverty is hurrying toward them because of their wrong attitude toward wealth. Because misers are “bad of eye,” they do not see the danger.
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