none who are intoxicated by them are wise.* a
those who incur his anger forfeit their lives.
while every fool starts a quarrel.*
when they look for the harvest, it is not there.
but the intelligent draw it forth.* c
but who can find someone worthy of trust?
happy are their children after them!
dispels all evil with his glance.*
I am cleansed of my sin”?*
are both an abomination to the LORD.e
though their deeds be blameless and right.*
the LORD has made them both.*
keep your eyes open, have your fill of food.
then goes away only to boast.*
but wise lips are the most precious ornament.*
if for foreigners, exact the pledge!*
but afterward the mouth is filled with gravel.
with wise direction wage your war.
so have nothing to do with a babbler!
their lamp will go out* in the dead of night.g
will not be blessed in the end.*
Wait for the LORD, who will help you.* h
and false scales are not good.i
how, then, can mortals understand their way?*
and after a vow, then to reflect.*
and threshes them under the cartwheel.*
it searches through the inmost being.*
and he upholds his throne by justice.k
and the dignity of the old is gray hair.l
and a scourging to the inmost being.
* [20:1] The cause stands for its effect (wine, drunken behavior). In Proverbs wine is a sign of prosperity and a symbol of feasting (3:10; 4:17; 9:2, 5) but also a potential threat to wisdom as in 20:1; 21:17; 23:29–35.
* [20:3] The honor that one might seek to gain from fighting comes of itself to the person who refrains from fighting.
* [20:5] The heart is where human plans are made and stored; they remain “deep water” until words reveal them to others. The wise know how to draw up those waters, i.e., express them. Cf. 18:4.
* [20:8] The royal throne is established in justice and the king is the agent of that justice.
* [20:9] A claim to sinlessness can be merely self-deception; see 16:2; cf. also 15:11.
* [20:11] The verb in colon A can mean either “to make oneself known” or “to play another person” (as in Gn 42:7 and 1 Kgs 14:5, 6). The second meaning makes a better parallel to colon B. The meaning is that if a child can playact, an adult can do so even more. Actions do not always reveal character.
* [20:12] Human judgments are not ultimate; the Lord expects proper use of these faculties.
* [20:14] Bartering invites playacting and masking one’s true intent. The truth of words depends on their context.
* [20:15] Wisdom is said to be preferable to gold in 3:14; 8:10, 19; 16:16. Colon B suggests that the gold and jewelry here are ornaments for the face (cf. Gn 24:53; Ex 3:22; Is 61:10). Wise lips are the most beautiful adornment, for they display the wisdom of the heart.
* [20:16] The text is not clear. See 27:13. Caution in becoming surety is always advised (cf. 6:1–3), and it is especially advisable with strangers.
* [20:20] Their lamp will go out: misfortune, even death, awaits them; cf. 13:9; Ex 21:17.
* [20:21] By definition, an inheritance is not gained by one’s own efforts but is received as a gift. If, when one first receives the inheritance, one drives everyone away, one treats it as if one acquired it by one’s own efforts. In an agricultural society, an inheritance would often be a field that would require God’s blessing to be fertile.
* [20:22] Appointing oneself an agent of divine retribution is dangerous. Better to wait for God to effect justice. Cf. 24:17–18.
* [20:24] An indication of the Lord’s inscrutable providence; cf. Jer 10:23; see Prv 21:2; cf. also 14:12.
* [20:25] This verse cautions against making vows without proper reflection; cf. Dt 23:22–25; Eccl 5:4–5.
* [20:26] The king is responsible for effecting justice. Judgment is portrayed in agricultural imagery—exposing grain to a current of air so that the chaff is blown away, and passing a wheel over the cereal to break the husk. Winnowing as image for judgment is found throughout the Bible.
* [20:27] A parallel is drawn between the life-breath that is God’s gift (Jb 32:8; 33:2) coursing through the human body (Is 2:22) and the lamp of God, which can be a symbol of divine scrutiny. In Zep 1:12, God declares, “And in that day I will search through Jerusalem with lamps.”
d. [20:9] 1 Kgs 8:46; 2 Chr 6:36; Eccl 7:20; 1 Jn 1:8.
g. [20:20] Prv 30:11, 17; Ex 21:17; Lv 20:9; Mt 15:4.
h. [20:22] Prv 24:29; Sir 28:1; Mt 5:39; Rom 12:17, 19; 1 Thes 5:15; 1 Pt 3:9.
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