God directs it where he pleases.*
but it is the LORD who weighs hearts.a
is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.*
the lamp of the wicked will fail.*
but those of the hasty end in loss.*
is chasing a bubble over deadly snares.
because they refuse to do what is right.
but one’s conduct is blameless and right.*
than in a mansion with a quarrelsome woman.* c
their neighbor finds no pity in their eyes.
when the wise succeed, they gain knowledge.d
bringing down the wicked to ruin.*
will themselves call out and not be answered.
and a present concealed, violent wrath.*
will abide in the assembly of the shades.*
the lover of wine and perfume will never be rich.
and the faithless for the upright.* f
than with a quarrelsome wife and trouble.
but the fool consumes them.
will find life and honor.*
and overthrows the stronghold in which they trust.
guard themselves* from trouble.g
those who act with overbearing pride.
for their hands refuse to work.*
but the just give unsparingly.
the more so when they offer it with bad intent.h
but one who listens will give lasting testimony.
but the upright maintains a straight course.*
no counsel prevail against the LORD.
but victory is the LORD’s.
* [21:1] “Channeled water” in Is 32:2 and Prv 5:16 is water that fertilizes arid land. It takes great skill to direct water, whether it be water to fertilize fields or cosmic floods harnessed at creation, for water is powerful and seems to have a mind of its own. It also requires great skill to direct the heart of a king, for it is inscrutable and beyond ordinary human control.
* [21:3] External rites or sacrifices do not please God unless accompanied by internal worship and right moral conduct; cf. 15:8; 21:27; Is 1:11–15; Am 5:22; Mal 1:12.
* [21:4] Heart and eyes depict, respectively, the inner and the outer person. “Haughty eyes” peering out from a “proud heart” show a thoroughly arrogant person. How can such a person flourish! Their lamp, which signifies life, will go out.
* [21:5] The antitheses are diligent and impetuous. The metaphor characterizing each type is taken from the world of commerce. Planning is important; bustle leads to waste.
* [21:8] One cannot always read others’ hearts from their behavior. Unconventional conduct need not indicate evil motives.
* [21:9] In Proverbs, two great obstacles to a happy household are foolish children and quarrelsome spouses. The nagging wife is also mentioned in 19:13 and 27:15; 25:24 is a duplicate.
* [21:12] It is difficult to ascertain the subject of the saying. Some hold it is the Lord, the “Righteous One,” who is normally the executor of justice in Proverbs. Others believe it is the just person who is the agent of divine justice. “Righteous One” is a title for God in Is 24:16. The best argument for making God the subject of the verb is that elsewhere in Proverbs righteous human beings never do anything to the wicked; only God does.
* [21:14] Proverbs offers several remedies for anger—a soft word (15:1), patience, and a bribe. The last remedy implies a certain disdain for the disordered passion of anger, for it can be so easily assuaged by a discreetly offered “gift.”
* [21:15] The second line is a duplicate of 10:29b.
* [21:16] Assembly of the shades: those who dwell in Sheol.
* [21:18] In this bold paradox, the ransom that protects the righteous is the wicked person who attracts, like a lightning rod, the divine wrath that might have been directed at the righteous.
* [21:21] The paradox is that one comes upon something other than what one pursued. The way to (long and healthy) life and honor is the vigorous pursuit of virtue.
* [21:23] Themselves: see note on 13:3. To guard your “self” (lit., “throat,” the moist and breathing center of the body, by metonymy, “life”), you must guard your tongue. Speech in Proverbs is the quintessential human activity and often has a meaning broader than speech alone; it can stand for all human activity. Acting rightly is the best way to protect yourself from evil.
* [21:25] Desire, or appetite, is the impulse toward food and drink (see Ps 42:3) which spurs animals and human beings into action. But sluggards cannot lift hand to mouth; they bury their hand in the dish (19:24), and so their appetite is thwarted.
* [21:29] The wicked cannot deter the righteous from walking the straight path, i.e., from practicing virtue.
b. [21:3] 1 Sm 15:22; Hos 6:6.
c. [21:9] Prv 21:19; 25:24; 27:15; Sir 25:23.
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