Universal Corruption
look about and observe,
Search through her squares,
to find even one
Who acts justly
and seeks honesty,
and I will pardon her!
but in fact they swear falsely.
You struck them, but they did not flinch;
you laid them low, but they refused correction;
They set their faces harder than stone,
and refused to return.a
they behave foolishly;
For they do not know the way of the LORD,
the justice of their God.b
and speak with them;
For they must know the way of the LORD,
the justice of their God.
But, one and all, they have broken the yoke,
torn off the harness.c
wolves of the desert ravage them,
Leopards keep watch round their cities:
all who come out are torn to pieces,
For their crimes are many,
their rebellions numerous.
Your children have forsaken me,
they swear by gods that are no gods.
I fed them, but they commit adultery;
to the prostitute’s house they throng.
each neighs after the other’s wife.d
on a nation like this should I not take vengeance?
destroy them completely.
Tear away her tendrils,
they do not belong to the LORD.e
both the house of Israel and the house of Judah—
oracle of the LORD.f
saying, “He is nothing,
No evil shall come to us,
neither sword nor famine shall we see.g
and the word is not with them.
Let it be done to them!”
because you have said this—
See! I make my words
a fire in your mouth,
And this people the wood
that it shall devour!—
a nation from far away,
O House of Israel—oracle of the LORD;
A long-lived nation, an ancient nation,
a people whose language you do not know,
whose speech you cannot understand.h
all of them are warriors.
devour your sons and your daughters,
Devour your sheep and cattle,
devour your vines and fig trees;
With their swords they will beat down
the fortified cities in which you trust.i
proclaim it in Judah:
you foolish and senseless people,
Who have eyes and do not see,
who have ears and do not hear.k
should you not tremble before me?
I made the sandy shore the sea’s limit,
which by eternal decree it may not overstep.
Toss though it may, it is to no avail;
though its billows roar, they cannot overstep.l
they turn and go away,
“Let us fear the LORD, our God,
Who gives us rain
early and late,* in its time;
Who watches for us
over the appointed weeks of harvest.”m
your sins have turned these blessings away from you.n
like fowlers they set traps,
but it is human beings they catch.o
as a bird-cage is of birds;
Therefore they grow powerful and rich,
They pass over wicked deeds;
justice they do not defend
By advancing the claim of the orphan
or judging the cause of the poor.p
on a nation such as this shall I not take vengeance?
has happened in the land:
and the priests teach on their own authority;
Yet my people like it this way;
what will you do when the end comes?q
* [5:12] They denied the LORD: the people act as though God does not matter and will not interfere.
* [5:24] Rain early and late: autumn and spring rains respectively. Appointed weeks of harvest: the seven weeks between the Passover (Dt 16:9–10) and the feast of Weeks (Pentecost), when it did not ordinarily rain.
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