if I should dispute with you;
even so, I must lay out the case against you.
Why does the way of the wicked prosper,
why do all the treacherous live in contentment?a
they flourish and bear fruit as well.
You are upon their lips,
but far from their thoughts.b
you have found that my heart is with you.c
Pick them out like sheep for the butcher,
set them apart for the day of slaughter.*
the grass of the whole countryside wither?
Because of the wickedness of those who dwell in it
beasts and birds disappear,
for they say, “God does not care about our future.”
how will you race against horses?
And if you are safe only on a level stretch,
what will you do in the jungle of the Jordan?
The Lord’s Complaint
cast off my heritage;
The beloved of my soul I have delivered
into the hand of her foes.e
like a lion in the thicket;
She has raised her voice against me,
therefore she has incurred my hatred.f
is surrounded by vultures;
Come, gather together, all you wild animals,
come and eat!g
have trampled down my heritage;
My delightful portion they have turned
into a desert waste.h
desolate before me,
Desolate, the whole land,
because no one takes it to heart.
marauders have appeared.
The LORD has a sword that consumes
the land from end to end:
no peace for any living thing.i
they have tired themselves out for no purpose;
They are shamed by their harvest,
the burning anger of the LORD.
* [12:3] Jeremiah calls the Lord to account for allowing the wicked to flourish while he himself is persecuted for his fidelity to the Lord’s mission; cf. 20:12. See Jesus’ judgment, Mk 9:42. The metaphors indicate that Jeremiah has even greater trials ahead of him.
* [12:14] My evil neighbors: nations surrounding Israel, the land belonging to the Lord; cf. Is 8:8.
c. [12:3] Jer 17:18; Jb 23:10.
e. [12:7] Ps 78:62; Lam 2:1–2.
g. [12:9] 2 Kgs 24:2; Is 56:9.
j. [12:14] 2 Kgs 24:2.
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