return to me.
If you put your detestable things out of my sight,
and do not stray,a
in truth, in judgment, and in justice,
Then the nations shall bless themselves in him
and in him glory.b
Till your untilled ground,
and do not sow among thorns.c
remove the foreskins of your hearts,
people of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem;
Or else my anger will break out like fire,
and burn so that no one can quench it,
because of your evil deeds.d
The Invasion from the North
in Jerusalem announce it;
Blow the trumpet throughout the land,
call out, “Fill the ranks!”
Say, “Assemble, let us march
to the fortified cities.”
Seek refuge! Don’t stand there!
Disaster I bring from the north,
and great destruction.
the destroyer of nations has set out,
has left its place,
To turn your land into a desolation,
your cities into an uninhabited waste.e
mourn and wail:
“The blazing anger of the LORD
has not turned away from us.”f
The king will lose heart, and the princes;
the priests will be horrified,
and the prophets stunned.
“You really did deceive* us
When you said: You shall have peace,
while the sword was at our very throats.”g
to this people and to Jerusalem,
A scorching wind from the bare heights comes
through the wilderness toward my daughter, the people.*
Not to winnow, not to cleanse,
Now I too pronounce
sentence upon them.h
like a whirlwind, his chariots;
Swifter than eagles, his horses:
“Woe to us! we are ruined.”
that you may be saved.
How long will you entertain
wicked schemes?
announces wickedness from Mount Ephraim:
announce it against Jerusalem:
Besiegers are coming from the distant land,
shouting their war cry against the cities of Judah.”i
for she has rebelled against me—oracle of the LORD.j
how bitter is this evil of yours,
how it reaches to your very heart!k
The walls of my heart!
My heart beats wildly,
I cannot be still;
For I myself have heard the blast of the horn,
the battle cry.
the whole land is laid waste.
In an instant my tents are ravaged;
in a flash, my shelters.l
hear the blast of the horn!
they do not know me;
They are senseless children,
without understanding;
They are wise at evil,
but they do not know how to do good.m
at the heavens—their light had gone out!n
All the hills were crumbling!
even the birds of the air had flown away!
with all its cities destroyed
before the LORD, before his blazing anger.o
The whole earth shall be waste,
but I will not wholly destroy it.p
the heavens above shall darken;
I have spoken, I will not change my mind,
I have decided, I will not turn back.q
each city takes to flight;
They shrink into the thickets,
they scale the rocks:
All the cities are abandoned,
no one lives in them.
dressing in purple,
bedecking yourself with gold,
Enlarging your eyes with kohl?
You beautify yourself in vain!
Your lovers reject you,
they seek your life.
like the anguish of a mother bearing her first child—
The cry of daughter Zion gasping,
as she stretches out her hands:
“Ah, woe is me! I sink exhausted
before my killers!”r
* [4:2] As the LORD lives: this oath, made sincerely, implies Israel’s return and loyal adherence to God. Thus the ancient promises are fulfilled; cf. Gn 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; Ps 72:17.
* [4:4] The external rite of circumcision accomplishes nothing unless it is accompanied by the removal of blindness and obstinacy of heart. Jeremiah’s view is reflected in Rom 2:25, 29; 1 Cor 7:19; Gal 5:6; 6:13, 15.
* [4:10] You really did deceive: Jeremiah complains that the Lord misled the people by fostering their complacency, leaving them unprepared and unrepentant as judgment approaches.
* [4:11] My daughter, the people: the covenant people personified as a young woman. Ezekiel 16 presents Israel and Judah as female infants whom the Lord adopts and then abandons and punishes because they desire other lords.
* [4:19–21] Probably the prophet’s own anguish at the coming destruction of Judah.
b. [4:2] Jer 12:16; Dt 10:20; Is 65:16.
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