The Second Oracle Against Babylon
See! I rouse against Babylon,
and the inhabitants of Chaldea,
a destroyer wind.*
to winnow and lay waste the land;
They shall besiege it on every side
on the day of affliction.a
lift their armor?
Do not spare her young men,
put the entire army under the ban.b
the wounded, in its streets;c
by their God, the LORD of hosts,
Even though the land is full of guilt
against the Holy One of Israel.
each of you save your own life,
do not perish because of her guilt;
This is a time of retribution from the LORD,
Babylon was a golden cup in the hand of the LORD
making the whole earth drunk;
The nations drank its wine,
thus they have gone mad.e
wail over her!
Bring balm for her wounds,
in case she can be healed.f
but she cannot be healed.
Leave her, each of us must go to our own land.”
The judgment against her reaches the heavens,
it touches the clouds.g
come, let us tell in Zion
what the LORD, our God, has done.h
fill the quivers;
The LORD has stirred up the spirit of the kings of the Medes,*
for his resolve is Babylon’s destruction.
Yes, it is retribution from the LORD,
retribution for his temple.i
reinforce the watch;
Post sentries,
arrange ambushes!
For the LORD has both planned and carried out
what he spoke against the inhabitants of Babylon.
rich in treasure,
Your end has come,
the time at which you shall be cut off!j
I will fill you with people as numerous as locusts,
who shall raise over you a joyous shout!
established the world by wisdom,
and by his skill stretched out the heavens.k
he summons clouds from the ends of the earth,
Makes lightning flash in the rain,
and brings out winds from their storehouses.
every artisan is put to shame by his idol:
He molds a fraud,
without life-breath.
that will perish at the time of punishment.
he is the creator of all things.
Israel is his very own tribe;
LORD of hosts is his name.
a weapon for war;
With you I shatter nations,
with you I destroy kingdoms.
with you I shatter chariot and driver.l
with you I shatter old and young,
with you I shatter the young man and young woman.m
with you I shatter farmer and team,
with you I shatter governors and officers.
all the inhabitants of Chaldea,
For all the evil they committed against Zion,
before your very eyes—oracle of the LORD.n
destroying mountain—oracle of the LORD—
destroyer of the entire earth,
I will stretch forth my hand against you,
roll you down over the cliffs,
and make you a burnt mountain:o
or a foundation stone;
You shall remain ruins forever—
oracle of the LORD.p
sound the trumpet among the nations;
Dedicate nations for war against her,
summon against her the kingdoms:
Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz;*
Appoint a recruiting officer against her,
dispatch horses like bristling locusts.q
the king of the Medes,
Its governors and all its officers,
every land in its domain.
the LORD’s plan against Babylon is carried out,
Turning the land of Babylon
into a wasteland without inhabitants.
they remain in their strongholds;
Dried up is their strength,
they have become women.
Burned down are their homes,
broken their gates.
herald meets herald,
Telling the king of Babylon
that his entire city has been taken.r
marshes set on fire,
warriors panic.
Daughter Babylon is like a threshing floor
at the time of treading;
Yet a little while,
and the harvest time will come for her.s
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon;
he left me like an empty vessel,
Swallowed me like a sea monster,
filled his belly with my delicacies and cast me out.
says enthroned Zion;
“My blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea,”
says Jerusalem.
I will certainly defend your cause,
I will certainly avenge you;
I will dry up her sea,
and drain her fountain.
a haunt of jackals;
A place of horror and hissing,
without inhabitants.t
growl like lion cubs.u
to make them drunk, that they may be overcome
with everlasting sleep, never to awaken—
oracle of the LORD.
like rams and goats.
the glory of the whole world!
What a horror Babylon has become among the nations:v
she is overwhelmed by roaring waves!
a parched and arid land
Where no one lives,
no one passes through.
and make him vomit up what he swallowed;
nations shall no longer stream to him.
Even the wall of Babylon falls!
from the burning wrath of the LORD.
go, do not stand idle;
Remember the LORD from far away,
let Jerusalem come to mind.
disgrace covers our faces;
strangers have entered sanctuaries in the LORD’s house.y
when I will punish her idols,
and throughout the land the wounded will groan.
and make her strong heights inaccessible,
my destroyers shall reach her—oracle of the LORD.z
great destruction from the land of the Chaldeans;
silences her loud cry,
Waves roaring like mighty waters,
a clamor resounding.
warriors are captured, their bows broken;
The LORD is a God of recompense,
he will surely repay.a
The walls of spacious Babylon shall be leveled to the ground,
its lofty gates destroyed by fire.
The toil of the peoples is for nothing;
the nations weary themselves for what the flames consume.b
* [51:1] The destroyer wind is the fierce dry wind from the east (cf. 4:11).
* [51:11] Kings of the Medes: the Medes and the Persians lived in the area known today as Iran.
* [51:27] Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz: regions in eastern Asia Minor under the control of the Medes.
* [51:59] Seraiah: the brother of Baruch; cf. 32:12. He may have gone to Babylon to explain away the presence of foreign ambassadors in Jerusalem that same year; cf. 27:3.
* [51:60] Jeremiah prophesied against Babylon, even as he foretold Judah’s release from Babylon’s power (3:14–18; 32:15; 33:6–9, 12–13); but his scroll against Babylon was thrown in the Euphrates (v. 63). Some of the preceding oracles may have been composed by later writers; see note on 50:1–51:58.
d. [51:7] Jer 50:8, 15, 29; Is 48:20.
i. [51:11] 2 Kgs 17:6; Is 13:17.
n. [51:24] Jer 25:14; 50:29; Ps 137:8.
p. [51:26] Jer 25:12; Ps 118:22.
r. [51:31] 2 Chr 30:6; Jb 1:14–18.
y. [51:51] Ps 44:16–17; 78:1–4.
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