The Divine Warrior*
in crimsoned garments, from Bozrah?
Who is this, glorious in his apparel,
striding in the greatness of his strength?
“It is I, I who announce vindication,
mighty to save.”a
and your garments like one who treads the wine press?b
and from the peoples no one was with me.
I trod them in my anger,
and trampled them down in my wrath;
Their blood spurted on my garments,
all my apparel I stained.
my year for redeeming had come.c
I was appalled that there was no one to lend support;
So my own arm brought me victory
and my own wrath lent me support.d
I made them drunk in my wrath,
and I poured out their blood upon the ground.”
Prayer for the Return of God’s Favor
the glorious acts of the LORD,
Because of all the LORD has done for us,
the immense goodness to the house of Israel,
Which he has granted according to his mercy
and his many loving deeds.e
children who are not disloyal.”
So he became their savior
It was not an envoy or a messenger,
but his presence that saved them.
Because of his love and pity
the LORD redeemed them,
Lifting them up and carrying them
all the days of old.f
and grieved his holy spirit;
So he turned to become their enemy,
and warred against them.g
Where is the one who brought up out of the sea
the shepherd of his flock?
Where is the one who placed in their midst
his holy spirit,h
with his glorious arm?
Where is the one who divided the waters before them—
winning for himself an everlasting renown—
like horses in open country?
they did not stumble.
The spirit of the LORD guided them.
Thus you led your people,
to make for yourself a glorious name.
from your holy and glorious palace!
Where is your zealous care and your might,
your surge of pity?i
Your mercy hold not back!
Were Abraham not to know us,
nor Israel to acknowledge us,
You, LORD, are our father,
our redeemer you are named from of old.
and harden our hearts so that we do not fear you?*
Return for the sake of your servants,
the tribes of your heritage.
why have our enemies trampled your sanctuary?
on whom your name is not invoked.
Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down,
with the mountains quaking before you,j
* [63:1–6] Two questions are raised at the approach of a majestic figure coming from Edom. It is the Lord, his garments red with the blood from the judgment battle. Edom (its capital Bozrah) plundered Judah after the fall of Jerusalem; cf. 34:5–17. Wine press: here a symbol of a bloody judgment; cf. Lam 1:15; Jl 4:13.
* [63:7–64:11] This lament of the exilic community recalls God’s protection, and especially the memories of the exodus (vv. 7–14), before begging the Lord to come once more to their aid (63:15–64:3), as they confess their sins (64:4–11). The prayer is marked by God’s “holy spirit” (63:10–11, 14) and fatherhood (63:8, 9, 16; 64:7).
* [63:17] The hardening of the heart (Ex 4:21; 7:3) serves to explain Israel’s sins—a motif to induce the Lord to relent.
* [63:19–64:3] A new theophany, like Sinai of old, is invoked so that Israel’s enemies will be humbled by God’s intervention.
g. [63:10] Dt 32:15; Ps 51:12.
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