Judah’s Praise and Prayer for Deliverance.*
“A strong city* have we;
he sets up victory as our walls and ramparts.a
that a righteous nation may enter,
one that keeps faith.b
in peace, because of our trust in you.”c
For the LORD is an eternal Rock.d
the lofty city he brings down,
Brings it down to the ground,
levels it to the dust.e
the feet of the poor.
the path of the just you make level.f
your name and your memory are the desire of our souls.
yes, my spirit within me seeks you at dawn;
When your judgment comes upon the earth,
the world’s inhabitants learn justice.g
in an upright land they act perversely,
and do not see the majesty of the LORD.h
but they do not perceive it;
Let them be put to shame when they see your zeal for your people:
let the fire prepared for your enemies consume them.i
for you have accomplished all we have done.j
only because of you can we call upon your name.
shades that cannot rise;
Indeed, you have punished and destroyed them,
and wiped out all memory of them.
you have increased the nation, have added to your glory,
you have extended far all the boundaries of the land.k
we cried out in anguish under your discipline.l
writhes and cries out in pain,
so were we before you, LORD.m
giving birth only to wind;
Salvation we have not achieved for the earth,
no inhabitants for the world were born.n
Awake and sing, you who lie in the dust!
For your dew is a dew of light,
and you cause the land of shades to give birth.o
The Lord’s Response*
and close the doors behind you;
Hide yourselves for a brief moment,
until the wrath is past.p
to punish the wickedness of the earth’s inhabitants;
The earth will reveal the blood shed upon it,
and no longer conceal the slain.q
* [26:1–19] This text is a mixture of praise for the salvation that will take place, a confession of Judah’s inability to achieve deliverance on its own, and earnest prayer that God may quickly bring about the longed-for salvation.
* [26:1] Strong city: Jerusalem, the antithesis of the “city of chaos” (24:10); see note on 24:1–27:13.
* [26:19] This verse refers not to resurrection of the dead, but to the restoration of the people; cf. Ez 37. The population of Judah was radically reduced by the slaughter and deportations that the historical disasters of the late eighth and seventh centuries B.C. brought upon the country. In this context, a major concern for the future was for an increase in the population, a rebirth of the nation’s life.
* [26:20–21] The time of wrath for Judah would soon be over, and the just punishment of its enemies would begin (cf. Hb 2:1–3).
c. [26:3] Is 32:17–18; Ps 112:7.
d. [26:4] Is 17:10; 30:29; Ps 62:8.
f. [26:7] Ps 23:3–4; Prv 11:3, 5.
h. [26:10] Is 5:12; Eccl 8:11.
i. [26:11] Is 9:6; 30:27; 37:32.
j. [26:12] Jer 29:11; Phil 2:13.
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