beyond the rivers of Ethiopia,a
in papyrus boats on the waters!
Go, swift messengers,
to a nation tall and bronzed,
To a people dreaded near and far,
a nation strong and conquering,
whose land is washed by rivers.b
who dwell on earth,
When the signal is raised on the mountain, look!
When the trumpet blows, listen!
I will be quiet, looking on from where I dwell,c
Like the shimmering heat in sunshine,
like a cloud of dew at harvest time.
and the blooms are succeeded by ripening grapes,
Then comes the cutting of branches with pruning hooks,
and the discarding of the lopped-off shoots.
and to the beasts of the earth;
The vultures shall summer on them,
all the beasts of the earth shall winter on them.
* [18:1–2] Land of buzzing insects: the region of the Upper Nile where these multiplied with great rapidity. Ethiopia: in Hebrew, Kush. The center of this ancient kingdom corresponds geographically to the modern Sudan, Roman Nubia. Papyrus boats: light and serviceable vessels made of bundles of papyrus stalks and sealed with pitch. Egypt, ruled by a dynasty from Ethiopia, had invited Judah to join a coalition against Assyria, but Isaiah told the ambassadors to return to their own people.
* [18:3–6] A more general address but probably relating to the same topic. The Lord will not act at once, but later there will be a “harvest” of terrible destruction, probably directed against Assyria (cf. 14:24–27).
c. [18:4] Is 8:18; 18:7; 2 Chr 6:30; Ps 33:14.
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