whose right hand I grasp,
Subduing nations before him,
stripping kings of their strength,
Opening doors before him,
leaving the gates unbarred:
and level the mountains;
Bronze doors* I will shatter,
iron bars I will snap.a
riches hidden away,
That you may know I am the LORD,
the God of Israel, who calls you by name.
of Israel my chosen one,
I have called you by name,
giving you a title, though you do not know me.b
there is no God besides me.
It is I who arm you, though you do not know me,
to its setting, that there is none besides me.*
I am the LORD, there is no other.
I make weal and create woe;*
I, the LORD, do all these things.
like gentle rain let the clouds drop it down.
Let the earth open and salvation bud forth;
let righteousness spring up with them!*
I, the LORD, have created this.c
a potsherd among potsherds of the earth!*
Shall the clay say to the potter, “What are you doing?”
or, “What you are making has no handles”?
or a woman, “What are you giving birth to?”
the Holy One of Israel, his maker:
Do you question me about my children,
tell me how to treat the work of my hands?
and created the people upon it;
It was my hands that stretched out the heavens;
I gave the order to all their host.
all his ways I make level.
He shall rebuild my city
and let my exiles go free
Without price or payment,
says the LORD of hosts.
The earnings of Egypt, the gain of Ethiopia,
and the Sabeans,* tall of stature,
Shall come over to you and belong to you;
they shall follow you, coming in chains.
Before you they shall bow down,
saying in prayer:
“With you alone is God; and there is none other,
no other god!e
the God of Israel, the savior!f
they go in disgrace who carve images.
saved forever!
You shall never be put to shame or disgrace
in any future age.”
The creator of the heavens,
who is God,
The designer and maker of the earth
who established it,
Not as an empty waste* did he create it,
but designing it to be lived in:
I am the LORD, and there is no other.
from some place in the land of darkness,
I have not said to the descendants of Jacob,
“Look for me in an empty waste.”
I, the LORD, promise justice,
I declare what is right.
you fugitives from among the nations!
They are without knowledge who bear wooden idols*
and pray to gods that cannot save.
let them take counsel together:
Who announced this from the beginning,
declared it from of old?
Was it not I, the LORD,
besides whom there is no other God?
There is no just and saving God but me.
all you ends of the earth,
for I am God; there is no other!
uttering my just decree,
a word that will not return:
To me every knee shall bend;
by me every tongue shall swear,g
are just deeds and power.
Before him in shame shall come
all who vent their anger against him.
shall have vindication and glory.”
* [45:1] Anointed: in Hebrew, mashiah, from which the word “Messiah” is derived; from its Greek translation, Christos, we have the title “Christ.” Applied to kings, “anointed” originally referred only to those of Israel, but it is here given to Cyrus because he is the agent of the Lord.
* [45:2] Bronze doors: those defending the city gates of Babylon.
* [45:6] The nations will come to know that Israel’s God is the only God; cf. also vv. 20–25.
* [45:7] Create woe: God created and controls all aspects of creation (light and darkness, order and chaos).
* [45:8] The Vulgate rendering gave a messianic sense to this verse, using “just one” and “savior” in place of “justice” and “salvation,” phraseology taken over in the Advent liturgy, e.g., the “Rorate coeli.”
* [45:9] No one may challenge God’s freedom of action, exemplified here by the selection of Cyrus as his anointed.
* [45:13] Him: Cyrus, called by God for the deliverance and restoration of Israel. Justice: the Hebrew word (sedeq) has multiple connotations; here it relates to the saving victory that the Lord will give to Cyrus for the deliverance of his people Israel. This word and others from the same root frequently have this connotation in Second Isaiah, occurring as a parallel term with “deliverance,” “salvation,” etc. Cf. its use in 41:10 (rendered “victorious”) and 51:5 (rendered “victory”).
* [45:14] Egypt…Ethiopia…Sabeans: the Egyptians and their allies who, when conquered by Cyrus, are seen as acknowledging the God of Israel; cf. 43:3.
* [45:15] God is hidden: i.e., the one known only to Israel, who cannot be represented by wooden or molten images. The concept of the “Deus absconditus,” “the hidden God,” becomes an important theme in later theology.
* [45:18] Empty waste: an allusion to Gn 1:2, where the earth is waste and void; the same Hebrew word, tohu, is used in both passages. Here it points to devastated Judah and Jerusalem, where God wishes to resettle the returning exiles.
* [45:20] Who bear wooden idols: in their religious processions. Such gods have feet but cannot walk; cf. Ps 115:7; Bar 6:25.
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