Israel’s Deliverance*
the Arabah will rejoice and bloom;a
and rejoice with joyful song.
The glory of Lebanon will be given to it,
the splendor of Carmel and Sharon;
They will see the glory of the LORD,
the splendor of our God.b
make firm knees that are weak,c
Be strong, do not fear!
Here is your God,
he comes with vindication;
With divine recompense
he comes to save you.d
and the ears of the deaf be opened;e
and the mute tongue sing for joy.
For waters will burst forth in the wilderness,
and streams in the Arabah.f
and the thirsty ground, springs of water;
The abode where jackals crouch
will be a marsh for the reed and papyrus.
called the holy way;
No one unclean may pass over it,
but it will be for his people;
no traveler, not even fools, shall go astray on it.g
nor any beast of prey approach,
nor be found.
But there the redeemed shall walk,h
and enter Zion singing,
crowned with everlasting joy;
They meet with joy and gladness,
sorrow and mourning flee away.i
* [35:1–10] This chapter contains a number of themes similar to those in Deutero-Isaiah (chaps. 40–55), for example, the blossoming of the wilderness (vv. 1–2; cf. 41:18–19), which is now well-irrigated (v. 7; cf. 43:19–20); sight to the blind (vv. 5–6; cf. 42:7, 16); a highway in the wilderness (v. 8; cf. 41:3); and the return of the redeemed/ransomed to Zion (vv. 9–10; cf. 51:11). Nevertheless, it forms a unit with chap. 34 (see note on 34:1–35:10) and reflects, along with that chapter, themes found in chaps. 1–33.
a. [35:1] Is 41:18–19; 55:12–13.
c. [35:3] Is 40:29–30; Jb 4:3–4; Heb 12:12.
f. [35:6] Is 32:3–4; 41:18; 43:19–20; 44:3; Mt 11:5.
g. [35:8] Is 11:16; 43:19; 49:11.
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