General Sacrifices.
2Give the Israelites this commandment: At their prescribed times, you will be careful to present to me the food offerings that are due me, oblations of pleasing aroma to me.
Each Morning and Evening.
3a You will tell them therefore: This is the oblation which you will offer to the LORD: two unblemished yearling lambs each day as the regular burnt offering,*
4offering one lamb in the morning and the other during the evening twilight,
5each with a grain offering of one tenth of an ephah of bran flour mixed with a fourth of a hin of oil of crushed olives.*
6This is the regular burnt offering that was made at Mount Sinai for a pleasing aroma, an oblation to the LORD.
7And as the libation for the first lamb, you will make a libation to the LORD in the sanctuary* of a fourth of a hin of strong drink.
8The other lamb you will offer during the evening twilight, making the same grain offering and the same libation as in the morning, as an oblation of pleasing aroma to the LORD.
On the Sabbath.
9On the sabbath day: two unblemished yearling lambs, with a grain offering of two tenths of an ephah of bran flour mixed with oil, and its libation.
10This is the sabbath burnt offering each sabbath, in addition to the regular burnt offering and its libation.
At the New Moon Feast.
11On your new moons* you will offer as a burnt offering to the LORD two bulls of the herd, one ram, and seven unblemished yearling lambs,
12with three tenths of an ephah of bran flour mixed with oil as the grain offering for each bull, two tenths of an ephah of bran flour mixed with oil as the grain offering for the ram,
13and one tenth of an ephah of bran flour mixed with oil as the grain offering for each lamb, a burnt offering with a pleasing aroma, an oblation to the LORD.
14Their libations will consist of a half a hin of wine for each bull, a third of a hin for the ram, and a fourth of a hin for each lamb. This is the burnt offering for the new moon, for every new moon through the months of the year.
15Moreover, there will be one goat for a purification offering to the LORD; it will be offered in addition to the regular burnt offering and its libation.
At the Passover.
16The fourteenth day* of the first month is the Passover of the LORD,b
17and the fifteenth day of this month is the pilgrimage feast. For seven days unleavened bread is to be eaten.
18On the first day you will declare a holy day, and you shall do no heavy work.* c
19You will offer an oblation, a burnt offering to the LORD: two bulls of the herd, one ram, and seven yearling lambs that you are sure are unblemished.
20Their grain offerings will be of bran flour mixed with oil; you will offer three tenths of an ephah for each bull and two tenths for the ram.
21You will offer one tenth for each of the seven lambs;
22and one goat as a purification offering to make atonement for yourselves.
23These offerings you will make in addition to the morning burnt offering which is part of the regular burnt offering.
24You will make exactly the same offerings each day for seven days as food offerings, oblations of pleasing aroma to the LORD; they will be offered in addition to the regular burnt offering with its libation.
25On the seventh day you will declare a holy day: you shall do no heavy work.d
At Pentecost.
26On the day of first fruits,* on your feast of Weeks,e when you present to the LORD an offering of new grain, you will declare a holy day: you shall do no heavy work.
27You will offer burnt offering for a pleasing aroma to the LORD: two bulls of the herd, one ram, and seven yearling lambs that you are sure are unblemished.
28Their grain offerings will be of bran flour mixed with oil: three tenths of an ephah for each bull, two tenths for the ram,
29and one tenth for each of the seven lambs.
30One goat will be for a purification offering to make atonement for yourselves.
31You will make these offerings, together with their libations, in addition to the regular burnt offering with its grain offering.
* [28:3] The regular burnt offering: “the tamid burnt offering,” the technical term for the daily sacrifice. The lambs—as well as the goats for the purification offering (vv. 15, 22, 30)—are all specified as males.
* [28:5] Oil of crushed olives: this oil, probably made in a mortar, was purer and more expensive than oil extracted in the olive press.
* [28:7] In the sanctuary: i.e., the tent of meeting. But according to Sir 50:15, the libation was poured at the base of the outer altar.
* [28:11] On your new moons: beginning on the evening when the crescent of the new moon first appeared. The beginning of the month is reckoned according to the new moon.
* [28:16] The fourteenth day: toward evening at the end of this day; cf. Ex 12:6, 18.
* [28:18] Heavy work: apparently, some sorts of activity are permitted on a day such as this, whereas “any work” is prohibited by 29:7 on the Day of Atonement. See note on Lv 23:3.
* [28:26] The day of first fruits: a unique term for this feast, which is usually called “the feast of Weeks”; it was celebrated as a thanksgiving for the wheat harvest seven weeks after the barley harvest (Passover). In the time of Jesus it was commonly known by the Greek word “Pentecost,” that is, “fiftieth” (day after the Passover); see note on Lv 23:16–21.
a. [28:3–8] Ex 29:38–42.
b. [28:16] Ex 12:18; Lv 23:5; Dt 16:1.
c. [28:18] Ex 12:16; Lv 23:7.
d. [28:25] Ex 12:16; 13:6; Lv 23:8.
e. [28:26] Ex 34:22.