Communion Sacrifices.
1* a If a person’s offering is a communion sacrifice, if it is brought from the herd, be it a male or a female animal, it must be presented without blemishb before the LORD.
2The one offering it shall lay a hand on the headc of the offering. It shall then be slaughtered at the entrance of the tent of meeting. Aaron’s sons, the priests, shall splash its blood on all the sides of the altar.
3d From the communion sacrifice the individual shall offer as an oblation to the LORD the fat* that covers the inner organs, and all the fat that adheres to them,
4as well as the two kidneys, with the fat on them near the loins, and the lobe of the liver, which is removed with the kidneys.
5Aaron’s sons shall burn this on the altar with the burnt offering that is on the wood and the embers, as a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD.e
6If the communion sacrifice one offers to the LORD is from the flock, be it a male or a female animal, it must be presented without blemish.
7If one presents a lamb as an offering, that person shall bring it before the LORD,
8and after laying a hand on the head of the offering, it shall then be slaughtered before the tent of meeting. Aaron’s sons shall splash its blood on all the sides of the altar.
9From the communion sacrifice the individual shall present as an oblation to the LORD its fat: the whole fatty tail, which is removed close to the spine, the fat that covers the inner organs, and all the fat that adheres to them,
10as well as the two kidneys, with the fat on them near the loins, and the lobe of the liver, which is removed with the kidneys.
11The priest shall burn this on the altar as food,f an oblation to the LORD.
12If a person’s offering is a goat, the individual shall bring it before the LORD,
13and after laying a hand on its head, it shall then be slaughtered before the tent of meeting. Aaron’s sons shall splash its blood on all the sides of the altar.
14From this the one sacrificing shall present an offering as an oblation to the LORD: the fat that covers the inner organs, and all the fat that adheres to them,
15as well as the two kidneys, with the fat on them near the loins, and the lobe of the liver, which is removed with the kidneys.
16The priest shall burn these on the altar as food, a sweet-smelling oblation.
All the fat belongs to the LORD.
17This shall be a perpetual ordinance for your descendants wherever they may dwell. You shall not eat any fat or any blood.* g
* [3:1] The exact meaning of Hebrew shelamim, “communion sacrifice,” is not clear. It has also been rendered “gift,” “(re)payment,” “peace,” “well-being,” or “covenant” offering. This offering may be brought for a vow or voluntary offering (cf. 22:21). A distinct version of the communion sacrifice is the thanksgiving offering (7:11–15 vis-à-vis vv. 16–18).
* [3:3–5] Fat: only part of the offering is devoted to God, as opposed to the burnt offering (chap. 1), which is wholly burnt (except for the skin). The meat is distributed among the offerer (and the offerer’s party) and the priests (cf. 7:11–36).
* [3:17] Any fat or any blood: this prohibition is mentioned here because portions of this offering could be eaten by lay Israelites, who may not be entirely familiar with the prohibition (cf. 7:22–27; 19:26). The fat prohibited is only the visceral fat mentioned in 3:9–10, 14–15, not muscular fat.
a. [3:1] Lv 7:11–36.
b. [3:1] Lv 22:21.
c. [3:2] Lv 1:4.
d. [3:3–5] Lv 3:9–10, 14–16; 4:8–9, 31, 35; 6:5; 7:3–4, 30–31; 8:16, 25; 16:25; 17:6; Ex 29:13, 22; cf. Ez 44:15.
e. [3:5] Lv 1:9.
f. [3:11] Lv 9:19.
g. [3:17] Lv 17:10.