The Day of the Lord Against Egypt.
Wail: “Alas the day!”
a day of the Lord approaches:
A day of dark cloud,
a time appointed for the nations.a
there will be anguish in Ethiopia,
When the slain fall in Egypt
when its hordes are seized,
its foundations razed.b
all the mixed rabble* and Kub,
and the people of allied lands
shall fall by the sword with them.
The pillars of Egypt shall fall,
and its proud strength sink;
From Migdol to Syene,
its people will fall by the sword—
oracle of the Lord GOD.c
among desolate lands,
Its cities the most ruined
among ruined cities.
when I set fire to Egypt,
and all its allies are shattered.d
will go forth in ships
to terrorize confident Ethiopia.
Anguish will be among them
on Egypt’s day—it is certainly coming!*
I will put an end to Egypt’s hordes
by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon:
the most ruthless of nations,
will be brought in to devastate the land.
They will draw their swords against Egypt
and fill the land with the slain.
and sell the land into evil hands;
By the hand of foreigners I will devastate
the land and everything in it.
I, the LORD, have spoken.e
I will destroy idols,
and put an end to images in Memphis.
There will never again be a prince
over the land of Egypt.
Instead, I will spread fear
throughout the land of Egypt.f
set fire to Zoan,
and execute judgment against Thebes.g
the fortress of Egypt,
and cut off the troops of Thebes.
Pelusium will writhe in anguish,
Thebes will be breached,
and Memphis besieged in daylight.
will fall by the sword,
the cities taken captive.
when I break the scepter of Egypt there
and put an end to its proud strength.
Dark clouds will cover it,
and its women will go into captivity.h
that they may know that I am the LORD.
* [30:5] Mixed rabble: mercenaries.
* [30:9] God spreads panic throughout Ethiopia, ancient Cush, by sending messengers with news of Egypt’s fall. Rivers at its borders insulated Ethiopia and made it inaccessible except by boat.
* [30:13–19] The prophet enumerates a list of major Egyptian cities that shall each bear the judgment proclaimed in the previous oracle, vv. 1–12.
* [30:20] The seventh day of the first month in the eleventh year: April 29, 587 B.C.
* [30:21–26] This oracle was delivered more than a year into the siege of Jerusalem (24:1). When Pharaoh Hophra came to help Jerusalem, the Babylonians temporarily lifted the siege; cf. Jer 34:21; 37:6–7. In Ezekiel’s eyes, Hophra was interfering with the punishment God intended the Babylonians to inflict on Judah. The Babylonians routed the Egyptians, who could not offer Jerusalem any more help; cf. chap. 31.
a. [30:3] cf. Ez 7:7; Is 13:6.
g. [30:14] Is 19:11, 13; Jer 46:25.
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