I gather my myrrh with my spices,
I eat my honeycomb with my honey,
I drink my wine with my milk.
D? Eat, friends; drink!
Drink deeply, lovers!*
A Fruitless Search
The sound of my lover knocking!
“Open to me, my sister, my friend,
my dove, my perfect one!
For my head is wet with dew,
my hair, with the moisture of the night.”
am I then to put it on?
I have bathed my feet,
am I then to soil them?
my innermost being* trembled because of him.
my hands dripping myrrh:
My fingers, flowing myrrh
upon the handles of the lock.
but my lover had turned and gone!
At his leaving, my soul sank.
I sought him, but I did not find him;
I called out after him, but he did not answer me.*
as they made their rounds in the city;
They beat me, they wounded me,
they tore off my mantle,
the watchmen of the walls.
if you find my lover
What shall you tell him?
that I am sick with love.
The Lost Lover Described
most beautiful among women?
How does your lover differ from any other,
that you adjure us so?
outstanding among thousands.
his hair like palm fronds,
as black as a raven.
beside streams of water,
Bathing in milk,
sitting* by brimming pools.
yielding aromatic scents;
his lips are lilies
that drip flowing myrrh.
adorned with gems;
His loins, a work of ivory
covered with sapphires.
resting on golden pedestals.
His appearance, like the Lebanon,
imposing as the cedars.
he is delightful in every way.
Such is my lover, and such my friend,
Daughters of Jerusalem!
* [5:1] Eat…lovers: the translation and meaning are uncertain.
* [5:2–8] An experience of anticipation and loss similar to that in 3:1–5. The lover’s abrupt appearance resembles that in 2:8–9.
* [5:3] Robe: knee-length undergarment worn by men and women. Am I then…?: the woman’s refusal is a form of gentle teasing; that she does not really reject her lover is shown by her actions in vv. 5–6. See 1:7–8; 2:14–15, for other teasing interchanges.
* [5:4] My innermost being: lit., “innards.” In Gn 25:23, Is 49:1; Ps 71:6, the word appears to carry the meaning of “womb.”
* [5:6] The motif of the locked-out lover is common in classical Greek and Latin poetry.
* [5:7] The watchmen: they do not know the reason for the woman’s appearance in the city streets; cf. 3:2–4.
* [5:10–11] In answer to the question of 5:9 the woman sings her lover’s praises (vv. 10–16). Ruddy: also used of David (1 Sm 16:12; 17:42). Gold: indicates how precious the lover is. Palm fronds: his thick, luxuriant growth of hair.
* [5:12] Sitting…: the translation of this line is uncertain; it may continue the metaphor of the lover’s eyes, or refer to another part of his anatomy (e.g., teeth) which has been omitted from the text.
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