Plea for Unity and Humility.*
did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.*
taking the form of a slave,
coming in human likeness;*
and found human in appearance,e
becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.*
and bestowed on him the name*
that is above every name,g
every knee should bend,*
of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth,h
Jesus Christ is Lord,*
to the glory of God the Father.i
Obedience and Service in the World.*
IV. Travel Plans of Paul and His Assistants*
* [2:1–11] The admonition to likemindedness and unity (Phil 2:2–5) is based on the believers’ threefold experience with Christ, God’s love, and the Spirit. The appeal to humility (Phil 2:3) and to obedience (Phil 2:12) is rooted in christology, specifically in a statement about Christ Jesus (Phil 2:6–11) and his humbling of self and obedience to the point of death (Phil 2:8).
* [2:5] Have…the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus: or, “that also Christ Jesus had.” While it is often held that Christ here functions as a model for moral imitation, it is not the historical Jesus but the entire Christ event that Phil 2:6–11 depict. Therefore, the appeal is to have in relations among yourselves that same relationship you have in Jesus Christ, i.e., serving one another as you serve Christ (Phil 2:4).
* [2:6–11] Perhaps an early Christian hymn quoted here by Paul. The short rhythmic lines fall into two parts, Phil 2:6–8 where the subject of every verb is Christ, and Phil 2:9–11 where the subject is God. The general pattern is thus of Christ’s humiliation and then exaltation. More precise analyses propose a division into six three-line stanzas (Phil 2:6; 7abc, 7d–8, 9, 10, 11) or into three stanzas (Phil 2:6–7ab, 7cd–8, 9–11). Phrases such as even death on a cross (Phil 2:8c) are considered by some to be additions (by Paul) to the hymn, as are Phil 2:10c, 11c.
* [2:6] Either a reference to Christ’s preexistence and those aspects of divinity that he was willing to give up in order to serve in human form, or to what the man Jesus refused to grasp at to attain divinity. Many see an allusion to the Genesis story: unlike Adam, Jesus, though…in the form of God (Gn 1:26–27), did not reach out for equality with God, in contrast with the first Adam in Gn 3:5–6.
* [2:7] Taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness: or “…taking the form of a slave. Coming in human likeness, and found human in appearance.” While it is common to take Phil 2:6, 7 as dealing with Christ’s preexistence and Phil 2:8 with his incarnate life, so that lines Phil 2:7b, 7c are parallel, it is also possible to interpret so as to exclude any reference to preexistence (see note on Phil 2:6) and to take Phil 2:6–8 as presenting two parallel stanzas about Jesus’ human state (Phil 2:6–7b; 7cd–8); in the latter alternative, coming in human likeness begins the second stanza and parallels 6a to some extent.
* [2:8] There may be reflected here language about the servant of the Lord, Is 52:13–53:12 especially Is 53:12.
* [2:9] The name: “Lord” (Phil 2:11), revealing the true nature of the one who is named.
* [2:10–11] Every knee should bend…every tongue confess: into this language of Is 45:23 there has been inserted a reference to the three levels in the universe, according to ancient thought, heaven, earth, under the earth.
* [2:11] Jesus Christ is Lord: a common early Christian acclamation; cf. 1 Cor 12:3; Rom 10:9. But doxology to God the Father is not overlooked here (Phil 2:11c) in the final version of the hymn.
* [2:12–18] Paul goes on to draw out further ethical implications for daily life (Phil 2:14–18) from the salvation God works in Christ.
* [2:12] Fear and trembling: a common Old Testament expression indicating awe and seriousness in the service of God (cf. Ex 15:16; Jdt 2:28; Ps 2:11; Is 19:16).
* [2:15–16] Generation…as you hold on to…: or “…generation. Among them shine like lights in the world because you hold the word of life….”
* [2:17] Libation: in ancient religious ritual, the pouring out on the ground of a liquid offering as a sacrifice. Paul means that he may be facing death.
* [2:19–3:1] The plans of Paul and his assistants for future travel are regularly a part of a Pauline letter near its conclusion; cf. Rom 15:22–29; 1 Cor 16:5–12.
* [2:19] Timothy: already known to the Philippians (Acts 16:1–15; cf. 1 Cor 4:17; 16:10).
* [2:24] I myself will also come soon: cf. Phil 1:19–25 for the significance of this statement.
* [2:25] Epaphroditus: sent by the Philippians as their messenger (literally, “apostle”) to aid Paul in his imprisonment, he had fallen seriously ill; Paul commends him as he sends him back to Philippi.
a. [2:2] Rom 15:5; 1 Cor 1:10.
b. [2:3] Rom 12:3, 10; Gal 5:26.
c. [2:4] 1 Cor 10:24, 33; 13:5.
d. [2:6] Jn 1:1–2; 17:5; Col 2:9; Heb 1:3.
e. [2:7] Is 53:3, 11; Jn 1:14; Rom 8:3; 2 Cor 8:9; Gal 4:4; Heb 2:14, 17.
f. [2:8] Mt 26:39; Jn 10:17; Heb 5:8; 12:2.
g. [2:9] Acts 2:33; Mt 23:12; Eph 1:20–21; Heb 1:3–4.
h. [2:10] Is 45:23; Jn 5:23; Rom 14:11; Rev 5:13.
i. [2:11] Acts 2:36; Rom 10:9; 1 Cor 12:3.
j. [2:12] Ps 2:11; 1 Cor 2:3; 2 Cor 7:15.
k. [2:13] 1:6; 1 Cor 12:6; 15:10; 2 Cor 3:5.
l. [2:14] 1 Cor 10:10; 1 Pt 4:9.
m. [2:15] 1 Thes 3:13 / Dt 32:5; Mt 10:16; Acts 2:40 / Dn 12:3; Mt 5:14, 16; Eph 5:8.
n. [2:16] 1 Thes 2:19 / Is 49:4; 65:23; Gal 2:2.
o. [2:17] Rom 15:16; 2 Tm 4:6.
q. [2:19] Acts 16:1–3; 17:14–15; 1 Cor 4:17; 16:10.
r. [2:21] 1 Cor 13:5; 2 Tm 4:10.
t. [2:29] 1 Cor 16:18.
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