Destruction of Idolatrous Cultic Objects
whose fruit matches its growth.
The more abundant his fruit,
the more altars he built;
The more productive his land,
the more sacred pillars* he set up.
Now they will pay for their guilt:
God will break down their altars
and destroy their sacred pillars.
“We have no king!*
Since we do not fear the LORD,
the king—what could he do for us?”
swear false oaths, and make covenants,
While lawsuits sprout
like poisonous weeds* in the furrows of a field!
for the calf of Beth-aven;*
Its people mourn for it
and its idolatrous priests wail over it,
—over its glory which has departed from it.b
as an offering to the great king.* c
Ephraim will be put to shame,
Israel will be shamed by his schemes.
like a twig upon the waters.
the sin of Israel;
thorns and thistles will overgrow their altars.
Then they will cry out to the mountains, “Cover us!”
and to the hills, “Fall upon us!”d
War Because of Israel’s Wickedness
you have sinned, Israel.
There they took their stand;
will war not reach them in Gibeah?
Against a perverse people
Peoples will be gathered against them
when I bind them to their two crimes.*
that loved to thresh;
I myself laid a yoke
upon her beautiful neck;
I will make Ephraim break ground, Judah must plow,
Jacob must harrow for himself:
reap the reward of loyalty;
Break up for yourselves a new field,f
for it is time to seek the LORD,
till he comes and rains justice upon you.”g
reaped perversity,
and eaten the fruit of falsehood.
Because you have trusted in your own power,
and in your many warriors,h
and all your fortresses shall be ravaged
As Salman ravaged Beth-arbel* on the day of war,
smashing mothers along with their children.i
because of your utter wickedness:
At dawn* the king of Israel
will utterly disappear.
* [10:1] Sacred pillars: see note on 3:4.
* [10:3] No king: the instability of the monarchy (7:3–7) and its vassalage to foreign kings (7:8–16) render the monarchy ineffective. The kings do the opposite of what they are supposed to do (10:4).
* [10:4] Lawsuits…like poisonous weeds: the administration of justice, which should have been the mainstay of the people, has in corrupt hands become another instrument of oppression; cf. Am 6:12.
* [10:5] The calf of Beth-aven: see note on 4:15.
* [10:6] The great king: a title used by the Assyrian kings. See also note on 5:13.
* [10:8] Aven: wickedness, first of all at Bethel (v. 5), but also at all the high places.
* [10:10] Two crimes: the allusion is not clear; a possible reference is the outrage described in Jgs 19.
* [10:14] As Salman ravaged Beth-arbel: perhaps Salamanu, king of Moab, mentioned in an inscription of Tiglath-pileser III, after an invasion in Gilead (Transjordan), where there was a Beth-arbel, close to present Irbid.
* [10:15] At dawn: normally the moment of God’s victory over Israel’s enemies, and thus his salvation (Is 17:14; Ps 46:6). Here it is a reversal of this expectation.
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