Fourth Vision: The Summer Fruit
The end has come for my people Israel;
I will forgive them no longer.
oracle of the Lord GOD.
Many shall be the corpses,
strewn everywhere—Silence!a
and destroy the poor of the land:
“that we may sell our grain,
And the sabbath,
that we may open the grain-bins?
We will diminish the ephah,*
add to the shekel,
and fix our scales for cheating!b
and the poor for a pair of sandals;c
even the worthless grain we will sell!”
Never will I forget a thing they have done!
and all who dwell in it mourn?
It will all rise up and toss like the Nile,
and subside like the river of Egypt.d
I will make the sun set at midday
and in broad daylight cover the land with darkness.
and all your songs into dirges.
I will cover the loins of all with sackcloth
and make every head bald.
I will make it like the time of mourning for an only child,
and its outcome like a day of bitter weeping.e
when I will send a famine upon the land:
Not a hunger for bread, or a thirst for water,
but for hearing the word of the LORD.
and wander from north to east
In search of the word of the LORD,
but they shall not find it.f
shall faint from thirst,
and who say, “By the life of your god, O Dan,”
“By the life of the Power of Beer-sheba!”
They shall fall, never to rise again.
* [8:1–2] End-of-summer fruit…the end has come: the English translation attempts to capture the wordplay of the Hebrew. The Hebrew word for “fruit picked late in the season” is qayis, while the word for “end” is qes.
* [8:5] Ephah: see note on Is 5:10.
* [8:14] Ashima of Samaria: a high-ranking goddess worshiped in Hamath, whose cult was transplanted by the people of that city when they were deported to Samaria by the Assyrians (2 Kgs 17:30). The Power of Beer-sheba: possibly an epithet of a deity worshiped in Beer-sheba, either a syncretistic form of the worship of Israel’s God or of another god. Dan…Beer-sheba: the traditional designation for the northern and southern limits of Israel to which the Israelites made pilgrimages.
g. [8:14] 2 Kgs 17:30.
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